IVA Preparation

My first IVA application got lost in the post and delayed things by 3 weeks, but everything is ready and the IVA test is booked… for Friday!

When I got a confirmation email through, I was asked to phone and book a date. The closest free slot at Kidderminster (closest station) was the end of August, so I asked if there were any alternatives and Derby had free slots Friday and Wednesday / tomorrow (but I need to be in work).

This is therefore a quick update of everything before the IVA.

Dashboard tidied up and holes made for the switches

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Wiring tidied up and clipped down


Setting the geometry up (this is much more difficult in a single garage compared to how it was in Formula Student!


Brake fluid identification sticker added:


The steering column has a bit of wobble in it due to the bushing fit on the column. I therefore bought a roller bearing and have fitted this. The wobble has completely gone and the steering is even more free.

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I have also bought a second sump from Ebay to get it cut down, to improve the ride height (sump is currently the lowest part and scrapes on the join between my garage and driveway). I had planned to do this after the IVA but due to various delays, this seemed like a good time. I will fit the modified sump after the IVA.

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Due to the way I have wired the fog and hazard switches in, I had to redo them and pass the wiring through the dashboard.

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Checked and tidied the rear end, including wiring and thread engagement, before putting the boot cover on.

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After this, it has been a case of checking everything over, covering sharp edges and nuts, putting split pins in place and testing the car up and down the driveway.




Everything on the car is now ready for Friday, I just need to pack tools, spares and the paperwork.

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